
Uphold truth and pursue justice.

WTO and Antitrust

S&P’s WTO team has long been engaged in WTO-related practices and possessed the requisite experiences in international trade remedy and WTO-related legal areas. S&P’s WTO team is composed of lawyers proficient in both the domestic and foreign laws and able to deal with WTO-related business in both Chinese and English, which greatly reduces the fees and cost spent on the lawyers and the translation when the cases involving foreign elements are handled. S&P lawyers are familiar with international economy and trade and the Chinese and foreign situations and cultures and able to make a keen insight and forecast in anti-dumping business, which effectively helps a variety of enterprises to maintain their legitimate rights, interest and shares in the international market. S&P’s WTO team has been engaging in WTO-related legal business for a long time and has many years’ international trade remedies and WTO-related legal area experiences.
Certified accountants are an important composition of S&P’s WTO team to provide professional financial counseling and data estimate to the clients. Thanks to the professional services rendered by its team of lawyers and certified accountants, S&P’s WTO team has ranked one of the top teams most specialized in international trade remedies in China, especially in terms of its WTO-related legal area and anti-dumping and anti-subsidy investigations.
S&P provides professional and thorough legal services to its clients to ensure their transactions meet the requirements of the Chinese Anti-monopoly Law. We maintained close working relationship with the relevant governmental authorities in charge of anti-monopoly affairs, which allows us to keep abreast of the legislation and policy guidance on antitrust laws. We are committed to giving full play to our advantages as a leading comprehensive law firm and combine them with our commercial advantages and rich cross-industry experiences to provide our clients with high quality legal services in anti-monopoly area. We have been focused on advising the anti-monopoly declaration and compliance and the risk avoidance mechanism of the enterprises seeking an M&A. Meanwhile, we are able to provide effective legal services to the clients in reliance on our rich experiences in litigations and arbitrations with respect to anti-unfair competition law.
The legal services provided by S&P are (including without limitation) the following:

Develop anti-monopoly programs and strategies for enterprises and conduct compliance examination

Participate in anti-monopoly administrative procedures and anti-monopoly civil litigations related to abuse of intellectual property rights

Participate in anti-monopoly-related administrative review and litigations

Participate in anti-monopoly-related civil litigations

Investigation regarding the original examination of anti-dumping cases

Investigation regarding original examination of anti-subsidy cases

New exporter review, period review, administrative review and sunset review

Safeguarding measures

WTO dispute resolution

Investigation into trade barriers

Respond to US 337 investigations

Investigate evidences for anti-monopoly complaints and draft such complaints, respond to the anti-monopoly complaints and investigations on behalf of the enterprise, and work out solutions thereto

Provide antitrust analysis for corporate marketing agreements, cooperative agreements and M&A agreements to avoid them being subject to anti-monopoly administrative penalties and litigation

Provide evidence and legal analysis of relevant market dominance and misuse of such market dominance

Legal service for prior notification of concentrations of undertakings as well as for cross claims of relevant interested persons

Advise the industrial associations/chamber of commerce on proper exercise of their functions in the context of anti-trust laws

Provide legal advice to the various levels of governments and agencies authorized by laws and administrative regulations to exercise the functions of public organizations so that they will not abuse their administrative power to exclude or restrict competition

Provide legal service for national security examination initiated in course of concentration of undertakings
